

Flow Physio Co is an approved and registered provider of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology Services under the NDIS.

We have been servicing the Sutherland Shire's NDIS clients since the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

We have both male and female providers who are passionate about helping people return to the activities they love. 

Our boutique studio provides a comfortable setting to help clients achieve their goals, whatever they may be.

We have wheelchair access, plenty of parking and are very close to Sutherland Station. 

We are currently working with a number of NDIS clients and have space for new bookings.

For more information, please contact our friendly staff in the clinic on (02) 9545 0361 or book online below 👇🏽


Post Natal / Mums and Bubs Pilates Sutherland


MUMS & BUBS PILATES | Monday & Thursday, 11:15am at Flow Physio Co Sutherland

Postnatal Pilates usually begins 6 weeks after the birth of your child.

Prior to commencing classes, we offer a 6 week postpartum check where we thoroughly examine the integrity of your pelvic floor and transverse abdominus (deep core muscle). We will also check for a Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation), wound check if you have had a Caesarean and a general assessment to ensure you are safe to return to exercise.

Following the 6 week check we recommend joining the Mums and Bubs Pilates class. This class has a maximum capacity of 2 people which allows room for you to bring your baby and allows the Physiotherapist to monitor you more closely. 

This session will be 50 minutes.

FLOW KNOWS - Hamstring Injuries

This week we have seen Newcastle Knights rookie sensation, Kalyn Ponga ruled out of State of Origin 3 with a reported grade 1 lateral hamstring strain suffered against Canterbury over the weekend.

Backing up from a huge performance in Origin 2, Ponga sustained a somewhat innocuous injury early in the first half against the Bulldogs. 

When do hamstring injuries occur?

Hamstring muscle injuries are a common injury in sports that involve high-speed running and kicking. 

Lateral Hamstring Injuries.001.jpeg

The biomechanics of hamstring injury

During maximal sprinting, the hamstrings work to decelerate the swinging shin bone and control the straightening of the knee. They then work as the foot hits the ground to help extend the hip.

Most hamstring injuries occur at the end of the swing phase when sprinting.

As was reported this week with Kalyn Ponga's injury - we usually see these injuries occur at the muscle-tendon junction of the outside hamstring muscle (biceps femoris).

Kalyn Ponga made 10x his season average for tackles per game in State of Origin 2

Some interesting stats out of Ponga's Origin performance came in his tackles made. Playing in the front-line, Ponga made a total of 29 tackles, approximately 43% of his total tackles made in 24 appearances for the Knights this year (68 tackles). 

How much has this spike in workload contributed to Ponga's hamstring injury? I would love more data, however what we have seen from his Origin performance is a spike in acute workloads comparative to his chronic workloads at fullback.

Acute workload increases >1.5x = increased injury risk

We know from the work done by Tim Gabbett that acute workload spikes that exceed 1.5x chronic workloads (preceding 3-6 weeks) leads to an increased soft tissue injury risk in the following weeks. 

Unfortunately, in Kalyn Ponga’s case, we have seen him sustain a grade 1 lateral hamstring strain and will likely miss 3-4 weeks of football, including State of Origin 3  




Although a lot of women are keen to get back their pre baby routine it is really important to make this return as safe as possible.  

Whether you have had a caesarian or vaginal delivery we recommend you starting your pelvic floor exercises along with light walking as soon as you feel comfortable.

6 week check with your Women's Health Physio

At 6 weeks you will have a follow up appointment with your Obstetrician or GP, after this we recommend having a 6 week check up with a Women's Health Physiotherapist who will check the integrity of your pelvic floor. This is to make sure you can get a contraction, as some women's pelvic floor can be inhibited after birth and they can struggle to contact their pelvic floor muscles. It will also involve assessing the position of your pelvic organs to make sure there is no prolapse, checking for a abdominal separation and deep core contraction. Following this we will be able to safely prescribe a postnatal exercise program for you to begin. 

What about returning to running or high intensity exercise?

Although every woman’s body recovers differently, we still recommend waiting a minimum of 12 weeks, as well as having no incontinence issues, no pain or no prolapse symptoms before participating in any outer abdominal exercises such as sit ups or any high intensity core work that increases your intra abdominal pressure. This intra abdominal pressures directly puts strain on your pelvic floor.



Running is another hight impact exercise that places strain through these muscles and we recommend before beginning to run that your have your pelvic floor assessed and pass a pelvic floor stress test.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Women’s Health Physio


Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Did you know? 

One in two women who have had a baby will experience prolapse at some stage in their life, that’s why it is so important to have an understanding of what it is and the symptoms experienced with prolapse.


What is pelvic organ prolapse? 

Pelvic organ prolapse is when one or more of the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus and bowel) slip down into the vagina causing a bulge or a heavy dragging feeling. Prolapse happens due to damage of the support structures of the pelvic floor including muscles, fascia or ligaments.



What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of prolapse include:

  • Sensation or heaviness/dragging/buldge in the vagina

  • Incomplete emptying of your bladder/bowels

  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections

  • Sexual discomfort

  • Incontinence


Prevention and management strategies

The good news is there is lots that can be done to prevent or manage prolapse. The pelvic floor acts as a sling supporting the pelvic organs, therefore pelvic floor strength training is one of the treatment options that can prevent or help alleviate symptoms of prolapse.